Monday, September 14, 2015

Schedule week #6 - September 14th

WEEK  #6
MON 6 am Weights
14 330 pm Practice
TUES 6 am Practice
15 6 pm Warm up at FH Aquatic Center - Cars
7 pm FHN/E meet start
WED 6 am Weights
16 330 pm Practice
THURS 330 pm Practice
FRI 330 pm Practice
19 9 am Starts/turns Practice

Friday, September 11, 2015

Weekly Schedule September 7, 2015

6 pm Practice
TUES 6 am Practice
8 12 n Practice
WED 6 am Weights
9 330 pm Practice
THURS 5 pm Meet Warm up
10 6 pm CC/Manistee meet start
FRI 330 pm Practice
11 4 pm WMR Diving Warm up
6 pm WMR Diving start
SAT 8 am WMR warm up at EGR
12 9 am Bus to meet - from Lakeside (one way bus).
1030 am WMR Swim start
The Reeds Lake Tri will be starting. May need to 
be dropped off and picked from warm up at EGR

Tuesday, September 8, 2015


     WEEK  #5
MON 6 pm Practice
TUES 6 am Practice
8 12 n Practice
WED 6 am Weights
9 330 pm Practice
THURS 5 pm Meet Warm up
10 6 pm CC/Manistee meet start
FRI 330 pm Practice
11 4 pm WMR Diving Warm up
6 pm WMR Diving start
SAT 8 am WMR warm up at EGR
12 9 am Bus to meet - from Lakeside (one way bus).
1030 am WMR Swim start
The Reeds Lake Tri will be starting. May need to 
be dropped off and picked from warm up at EGR

Tuesday, August 11, 2015


Thank you for helping out with the breakfast spreads this year.  Here is the volunteer list.  If you have conflicts, please find someone to trade with.
            Leader:           Lachance
            Helpers:          Biermacher, Sanford, Kratt, Brandon-Berkley
            Leader:           Converse
            Helpers:          Campbell, Shapton, Lehman, Levine
 8/14:  Out for Breakfast
Leader:           Ward
            Helpers:          Cluff, Sheridan, Livermore, Burns
            Leader:           Donohue
            Helpers:          Congdon, Smith, Miller, Sheline
            Leader:           Dougherty
            Helpers:          Dills, Stewart, Moe, Boeschenstein
 8/20:  Beach Day!
 8/21:  Out for Breakfast
            Leader:           Jackoboice
            Helpers:          French, VanHoven, Murphy, Lee
            Leader:           Hunt
            Helpers:          Higgins, Willison, Skaggs, Brown
            Leader:           Witting
            Helpers:          Johnson, Tanner, Walski, Lachance*
 8/28:  Out for Breakfast
            Leader:           Willison
            Helpers:          McMinn, Atwood, Wiener, Gamaggio          
            Leader:           Wittkowski
            Helpers:          Nigam, Blanchard, Bergstrom, Jackoboice*
            Leader:           Barbour
            Helpers:          Ors, Byam, Rogers, Chambers
            Leader:           Bender
            Helpers:          Roubal, Hartmann, Osbourne, Ward*
 9/4:  Out for Breakfast
 *Second assignment – to be replaced by new athletes if available

 Due to the long pre-season, there are a lot of breakfasts this year!  Therefore, each spread has fewer parents assigned, resulting in more effort & cost per spread.  Please keep in mind, however, that your daughters will be benefitting from this as well, as they will be provided 12 nice breakfasts over the course of the three and a half weeks of pre-season.  Spread leaders will send out an email to organize the breakfasts, and the group can decide how to divide up the costs - compiling receipts and redistributing the money, or just dividing up the food items into ~even groups and letting folks pick what they bring.  All spreads will be held in the team room again this year.  A large quantity of paper plates, napkins, forks and cups will be purchased in bulk prior to the first practice and left in the team room, so that each spread group can just concentrate on the food items.

We have about 60 swimmer/divers this year, and they can all eat a lot!  Here are some suggestions for possible food items to choose from, or make up your own.  Please keep vegetarian/vegan swimmers/divers in mind, and provide a balance of healthy food along with some not-so-healthy if desired.

  • Cheesy potatoes (4 9x13 pans)
  • Egg casseroles (4 9x13 pans)
  • Bite-size quiches (Gordon’s or Costco)
  • Bagels/cream cheese (4 dozen quartered)
  • Muffins
  • Bacon/sausage (5 lbs)
  • Oatmeal with berries/nuts
  • Pancakes/waffles
  • French toast casserole (4 9x13 pans)
  • Monkey bread
  • Fruit cups
  • Yogurt parfaits with fruit & granola
  • Chocolate milk (3-4 gallons), White milk (1 gallon) and 1/2 gallon OJ

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

August 2015 PRESEASON

The blog site is currently under review and being updated!

Please check back for a new team photo after Beach Day at the McMinns cottage on August 20th.